00:00:08:00 – 00:00:36:06
You know, they say there’s a big difference between knowing what to do and doing what you know. Yeah. The, the concept of, ignorance is a thief of it is a thief. You know, people from achieving their true full potential. And today, I have the pleasure to have it with me. Janet. Jagmohan.
00:00:36:08 – 00:01:12:01
Thank you for having me here. And Jad is a graduate from our Systematic and Strategies Fundamentals program, and, has had a really amazing transformation, throughout this program. And I thought he’ll be in here and sharing a couple of ideas and a bit of what’s going on. Yeah, definitely. The experience could really help many of you who are, maybe looking at wanting more out of your sales career, but yet you don’t know where to start.
00:01:12:07 – 00:01:33:12
So here we go. Is that. How are you again? I’m good. Great. How are you two? So tell us a bit. What do you do and who do you work with? So I work and, make us. And we are a distributor for, brand called Belden regarding structured cabling systems. We work on, project in the UAE.
00:01:33:14 – 00:02:03:07
Mainly high premium projects such as hotels, airports, schools, luxury buildings. And we mainly deal with contractors in this, in this sector. So it’s a very competitive landscape. Yes. It is very competitive concerning of, the market, especially in Dubai and the UAE. Wonderful. So thank you. Thank you for sharing. One of the you know, as we were going through the class, through our training, we’ve interviewed you and others.
00:02:03:08 – 00:02:23:22
Yeah. And one of the sentences, the video that I shared with you earlier, you said you said something. You know, if if, I forgot what you said, but it was something about the, the beliefs or about your, If only I knew what I knew. Yes. Yeah. If, So can you elaborate on it?
00:02:24:02 – 00:02:52:11
If I knew that, having all the details and, and if I knew that I don’t know these things, and I don’t know that applying such, specific a process or a plan, during my sales career, while meeting with customers, meeting with clients. If I knew that, if I apply them, it will take up my meeting and level up the quality of my meeting and have much, better result.
00:02:52:13 – 00:03:18:07
I would have done it long time ago. Yeah. And you know what they say. There’s a. You know, we don’t know what we don’t know. Yeah. And, and that’s where, again today we’re trying to get into behind the scenes with, with somebody who’s gone through a transformation. And, the goal is to, give you confidence and inspire you to, to to realize how can you achieve your truth with cash?
00:03:18:08 – 00:03:44:06
What’s out there? So let us begin with the, you know, with our sales, sales results format for the three main partners to be worked on. One is mindset. Yeah. So let’s begin. Let’s begin with the with the mindset and beliefs. You know what has been let’s say one key distinction for you, that has opened up the door for achievement when it came to your mindset.
00:03:44:10 – 00:04:07:02
So in terms of mindset, I, I wasn’t taking things that seriously. And that wasn’t the thing that having a really, a winning mindset that can change, my approach to other people. What do you mean, a winning mindset? So what’s the so in the absence of a winning mindset, you know, the mindset is our ability to talk to you, talk to yourself.
00:04:07:07 – 00:04:23:12
Yeah, definitely. We all exist. And it’s the repeated patterns of thoughts that actually end up materializing and how we’re showing up. So what were the things that you’ve noticed maybe you were doing, you became aware of, and how did you change that?
00:04:23:12 – 00:04:30:08
basically, having a winning mindset can level up the quality of the meeting, the quality of the work that I am doing.
00:04:30:10 – 00:05:07:14
And, it helps me a lot achieving what I want. So when you say it helps you, with the quality of the meeting. So. Yeah. So you mean you didn’t have quality meetings before? Everyone had quality meeting before, but, but not as much as I am doing right now. And, through this course, I learned a lot of, minor things that applying them, being aware of them, helps me level up the quality of my meeting and helps me approach, decline it much, much better than earlier.
00:05:07:16 – 00:05:38:22
So what? What? So quality of the meeting? What is the quality of a meeting? Of a sales meeting? What are we talking about? As you know, a meeting with a client regarding a project or any regarding anything else? It has so many things that affects this meeting. And a lot of these are minor things such as our body language, why we are talking with, with a client, our tone of voice, our planning before the meeting about this client, the person himself.
00:05:38:24 – 00:06:09:15
About what? Affecting my project. What’s affecting my, my situation between my company and his company. There are a lot of factors that can affect the relationship with a client. So what I love about what you’re saying is you spoke about maybe non, nonverbal cues. You spoke body language. Yeah. You spoke tonality even spoke planning. Yes. So when you have planned when you planned properly what happened to your confidence.
00:06:09:17 – 00:06:30:11
It’s so much motivational and it builds up the confidence. If, of course, that a meeting with the client, you have to ask me some things maybe I will not know about. Yes. Being planned ahead of, before the meeting, would be much. It will make me much more prepared to answer him. I will not say to him.
00:06:30:11 – 00:06:49:09
I will check back to you later, and I will get back to you. I can and I can, if he ask me something, I can respond to him with, with a real, response right now and give him what he is asking for. Can you give me an example of a client where you actually he asked you something because you were prepared and planned.
00:06:49:11 – 00:07:09:08
You were able to, tick the box on this question, this question or him said, yeah, I trust this guy because, yeah, the way you say things, you know, so if you if there is a lack of confidence normally what happens to our tonality, of course it will affect our tonality and then it will affect the meeting.
00:07:09:11 – 00:07:50:15
The what effect the trust between me and everything. Yes. Mobile. Yes. Yeah. Small things can can make you think of a scenario where you that planning that preparation has helped you to project better the confidence and that better confidence in fact, that the the the outcome. Yeah. Of that meeting, as you know, in my work, I deal with, contractors that are working on, projects, let’s say a residential project that was and I usually go back, go to the project site location and find out who is the customer that will buy from me the material and just had to add to this customer or without any planning, just in my,
00:07:50:21 – 00:08:09:07
minor details that I gathered along the way and go to this customer, he would ask me a lot of questions I would not know about. I would have to tell him, I’ll check back, and then I’ll let you know. So you’d simply enter into a site and go in? Yes. With little or no? Yeah. So basically you’re doing your job.
00:08:09:07 – 00:08:28:11
You’re going in. Yeah. You got to get your hands dirty, your feet dirty, you’re going in and you’re talking to people. Yeah. And especially on this site, there will be the client himself, the consultant himself. So I would think I will not, wasted this opportunity to meet a client, to meet the consultant and I will go to meet them.
00:08:28:11 – 00:08:57:05
I would not have, I’m not having that much detail about this project. That much detail about the constraints, the problem happening on this project. And, there are so many details that I should know about before entering this, this, meeting with consultant, our client at this point, I would rather not enter the his office unless I have enough detail that I am confident about so I can be able to respond to him and have a real conversation with them.
00:08:57:05 – 00:09:03:17
so what I’m getting is your mindset or your willingness to do the extra mind.
00:09:03:19 – 00:09:24:07
Yeah. To follow the steps that we’ve shared with you has really rubbed off. In other words, has given you the confidence. Definitely be ready to face the meetings in a good way, because at the end, you only have one chance to interact with the customer, and they either are going to get that right impression from you or not.
00:09:24:08 – 00:09:49:14
Yes, definitely. Oh, that’s going to invite them to talk to you a second or third time. What is going to say? I am not going to waste my time with this person. So really well done for that preparation. Now one thing to talk about is the concept of fear. We are professionals. We are by ourselves. And if you then fear comes from certain beliefs and fear holds us back from taking certain actions.
00:09:49:14 – 00:10:16:07
Yeah. So can you think of a belief that you are able to nip, to kind of eliminate as a result of this program that has opened the doors for you to achieve more? Yeah. There was always a belief of, lack of information and that creates fear inside of me for reaching out to a specific person.
00:10:16:09 – 00:10:37:08
Or high important person, along the project that I am working on. So you were maybe not confident in asking? Yeah. The key stakeholder. Yeah. Yes. The wallet owner, as we call them. Yeah, yeah, it was the client, and this, and this project direct client. Yes, the direct client. And of course, the client is the decision maker about everything.
00:10:37:10 – 00:11:01:11
And there was a fear in me that reaching to this client, having, getting a, objection or, not having enough information to talk and discuss about it. So I, I didn’t, make that decision to reach him. I just hold myself down dealing with the people that I know. And, without taking that extra mile to, like, staying within your comfort.
00:11:01:11 – 00:11:29:11
Exactly. The people that are maybe lower to your to the ground or you interacted with on a day to day basis. I mean, everyone is important. Yes. Definitely everyone. And and and, so tell me, how did you overcome that? And this situation, at first I didn’t, I had this strong belief and fear that, I should not, reach that, that decision maker.
00:11:29:13 – 00:11:55:16
And along the way, I knew, the constraints and the difficulties that, that been created, because of this fear not reaching to this client and not, approach and, and, sharing with him the details about this project and what I am working on by letting him know that who, who, who, who am I and, what I work for and how I can help him.
00:11:55:18 – 00:12:16:15
So that’s how I can help. Yes. It’s not about selling your product. It’s about selling the value of the solution that he’s looking for. He has to get value from it. I just not I’m not selling just to for myself. I have to give him value. Yes. Yeah. So, along the way, after I realized that meeting him is the.
00:12:16:17 – 00:12:41:16
And it should be my main goal, actually, in this project. And, slowly, I gathered more details by planning and, getting the right mindset. Through all these details and planning gathered and building up the confidence. And then, eventually I had to meet him. I had to, present myself, do a small presentation just to let him know that, he can trust me.
00:12:41:16 – 00:13:03:10
What I am doing, and I’m working on his project and giving him value of, what I’m offering. And it makes, the process of the project much, much easier. I think there is a specific case that you are describing in this. He is. Can you give us a bit of a little insight? So what happened with this, with this one?
00:13:03:12 – 00:13:27:14
So you got to the decision maker. Yeah. And then what happens? So, I got into the decision maker having enough details to, to have, that’s discussion with him, showing him clearly that, I am trusted. I am able to solve some problems for him on point. Some problems. And maybe you don’t want to go into, like, company secrets, but you have some issues.
00:13:27:14 – 00:13:56:01
That situation. Everyone has some secret there, so you just need to find it out. So, that’s. Yeah. Having a good mindset, and, helps you to take that extra mile to get more details and then find out what his weakness is, what is his pain points, and, realizing what his weaknesses are and what his pain, is, I was able to, whenever he is asking me something, I am able to identify.
00:13:56:01 – 00:14:20:05
Not he had this pain. I know how to respond to him in order to get him the trust. But the relationship and makes it much easier for me. And time to do in business together. Wonderful. So here, you know, believing in your product. Believing in. Yeah. Listening to the other person, has made a certain transformation. So, can you continue?
00:14:20:07 – 00:14:43:02
So I know that, what what did that lead to? Applying a lot of things that I learned in this, project, such as the planning and the gathering, those details, and especially you said listening, listening, to what he is saying and not just waiting for him to finish. So I can ask another question.
00:14:43:04 – 00:15:05:18
This change, the, the way I do my meeting with people, talk about the five levels. Oh, yes. Yes, I could make them. I it has it definitely has. It’s, it makes the other person, feel easier to open up for you to say things that no one, he would never say it to a stranger before or to a person that he just met.
00:15:05:20 – 00:15:30:07
So, and for those listening, you know, the concept of actually people buy from people they know, like and trust. Exactly. And by listening to someone active listening, this is level three. That’s four and five, but it’s as simple as, listening to someone and summarizing what you’re saying to that person. And if you do it right, the person actually improves the like.
00:15:30:08 – 00:16:13:14
It just shows that that enhances liking, enhances trust because they’re saying, oh, they’re paying attention to what I’m saying. Yeah. Yeah. So, so well done there. Okay. Did this eventually lead to a say? Can you tell us about that, say that? It definitely led to a sales, eventually after working a lot and applying so many small and minor details that I learned in this project, such as you said, actually listening because listening has, like, so 4 to 5 different type of listening and the way you respond and a lot of, these things, it led to, closing a deal.
00:16:13:16 – 00:16:58:08
Actually, I close it recently with him. It was over 1 million. And, there are over 1 million. There. Hum. For a project, for a residential project, which is residential projects are really, really, hard for us and, but focusing on it and applying a lot of things, during my meeting with the decision maker, building that trust, building the relationship and, having, good really, just as a business, business wise, I was able to, to make him feel so much easy to open up for me and saying, what he is feeling, what his pain, what is his weakness, and to to be able to solve this.
00:16:58:10 – 00:17:19:05
It led to a sales and not just sales. It was, over a million other homes. And through the sales, I was able to close, verbally, at least for now, like 4 to 5 projects with him, with definite work on that. Yes. And how about the referrals for projects and and the other town? Oh, yes. About this referrals.
00:17:19:11 – 00:17:37:14
These are the, commitment project that I was talking about. They are already closed. I am I am convinced now they are already mine. I just, after meeting him a couple of times, I build that trust, and he trusted me, and, he was able to tell me I’m working on this. This is yours.
00:17:37:14 – 00:18:03:05
I’m working on this. This is yours. And, you know, I am a salesman, and he is the decision maker. So, so what other details I need to get? I got all the details. Even the decision maker is telling me this project is yours. So, that meeting made my life easier, so, I mean, it’s it definitely puts a big smile on your face, not knowing that, you know, that is definitely a potential that is coming out of that.
00:18:03:06 – 00:18:27:10
Yeah. You know what we say is never assume always, you know, remember some of the stories that Marko shared? Yeah. One of the guys that almost worked in the bank, but last minute, they end up, you know, escaping there. So. So really, it’s good to to have this confidence and continuously to do the small thing a definite yes.
00:18:27:12 – 00:19:01:12
Earning someone’s trust to keep let’s safety invisible, to keep, checking and more importantly is ensure that delivery and everything. Yes. As discussed without any problems happening and monitoring everything that’s happening. Absolutely. Okay. I’m gonna I’m going to go back to this opportunity because you you had the you know, we talked about finding about finding clients. So today we look at, mindsets and beliefs.
00:19:01:14 – 00:19:27:08
Yes. So we spoke a bit about beliefs. The next is looking at sales activity management. So managing your activities. Yes. So among that and you can do walk ins among them. You can call existing customers. Among them you can network. Yeah. Find opportunities. Right. And follow up on leads that the company gives you. And in this one case you actually went in cold.
00:19:27:10 – 00:20:03:14
Yes. So, what was going on in your mind and tell us, how did the knowledge, the skills that you’ve learned helped you in my the opportunity and make it happen? So without, planning and without mapping? What you are and monitoring what you are doing, you will not achieve the result that you want. And of course, everyone has say that to everyone that, everyone has, from his company or by himself has a CRM or something to monitor.
00:20:03:16 – 00:20:27:23
But who does that? Without it, we do it like once per week, once per two weeks, or even once per month. Through this course and the application that, that, you’ve got those activities. Yes. And, you know, sales activities are hundreds of sales activities and meeting and, and, this application that includes all these details.
00:20:28:00 – 00:21:08:16
It was so easy for me whenever I’m going to a site location, I just finished this site location. Just enter it on the phone. It was less than one minute, one minute activity and then do a phone call. Just enter it. Just less than one minute. It’s like five to 10s and just an application. And after, doing all this, let’s say after a day, I can open this application and just monitor what I am doing and being able to, to add the, the business that I, that I made through these all sales activities, it helps, to, to, make a clear image of what’s my activities
00:21:08:16 – 00:21:26:07
and what’s, that I am getting from these activities. Yes. And if there is anything that I am not doing in this activities. This is the problem. It shows you the problem. Why you’re not, why you’re, You didn’t do that much business. It’s. You can go back to your activities and find out what’s the problem.
00:21:26:07 – 00:21:52:01
So every input has an output. Exactly. So. But the output is not where you need it to be. Then you say, hey, where am I? What am I lacking? Yes. You know, and this is, this is the law of life, you know, life is lived looking forward but understood looking backward. And what I love about you, job is you are very courageous to realize that those activities are not for the benefit of us.
00:21:52:03 – 00:22:13:01
Yeah, yeah. Or your manager checking on your his work. You know, you took it by by the hand and said, you know what? I think I have it from this. I want to see why am I selling or why am I not selling as much? And what can I do to improve. Yeah. And that’s the whole thing about any tool that somebody will use.
00:22:13:01 – 00:22:33:16
And I like how, you know, there is something called a doc on the brush so that there are multiple hormones in the brain. And motivation comes from, taking action. That gives you a feeling good when you press the button and you finish. How does that make you feel? It was so easy to press it. So. So you want to press the next.
00:22:33:16 – 00:22:57:12
Yeah. I mean I make a call and just I press it within two seconds. What it does. Okay. I’ll start from. Yeah yeah, yeah. And it feels good. So now that causes another and it causes you to take more action activities or activities to track your activities. And and again it’s like playing a game. You know, you do five activities get that much like well have lunch and get that much.
00:22:57:12 – 00:23:17:21
You will do five more. You can have a nice. Yeah. This is this is how it was a long time ago as a door to door salesman, making that many, you know, knocks on so many doors or making that many phone calls. Always played this game. And I thought my my teams to do that. Hey. You’re hungry.
00:23:17:21 – 00:23:32:05
Good. You guys have been or otherwise. You’re not you’re not doing it. So so thank you. Thank you for sharing. So again it’s all about the activities. Right. And then.
00:23:32:07 – 00:24:00:03
And then we go into, the real the real business. You know, you spoke about, the, you know, the footsteps of the sales, you spoke about the various things. But then we go into closing the door or or objection handling. So, so what has been some of the ahas that you have been able to improve upon as a result of this course that you didn’t know, that you didn’t know?
00:24:00:03 – 00:24:01:13
Yeah, that one.
00:24:01:13 – 00:24:07:03
So basically, as you know, as much as you go outside, meet a lot of people to and.
00:24:07:03 – 00:24:30:08
A close project. As much as you will get, objections. You will receive objections. You cannot go, you cannot, take it away from your daily life, from your activities. You will have to get objections and then evaluate yourself. Why? What did you did wrong? So you can improve the other opportunities that you are working on and, and decrease that at the amount of objections.
00:24:30:10 – 00:24:58:15
So, basically, I was having the fear to not to be a, to be objected to, to receive or to receive an objection for someone to say no to me. I’ll get back to you to understand from that. He doesn’t want to deal with me. I have that fear. So I didn’t, have the courage to, to go for another one and another one until I find out and evaluate for myself what I did wrong.
00:24:58:17 – 00:25:37:12
And, in another meeting or, yes, another meeting, another opportunity. This door is closed. A lot of doors can be open to you, and you just need to try and open them. Having the fear of being objected. It’s just, restrains you from from your result, from achieving your resolve, achieving your goals. So, after, a lot of, of a lot of, planning a lot of, information that I got from this, from this course, I was able to understand that you you’ll always be, you’ll always receive a no.
00:25:37:14 – 00:26:02:00
But, if you ever evaluate yourself more, understand why, why this is happening and, monitor everything. You’ll find out you liked, some details on this matter. You would. You didn’t do this activity. You didn’t do, something. And the right way. You evaluate yourself, you, you and the next one, you will do a lot better.
00:26:02:02 – 00:26:30:04
Yeah. You know what’s beautiful is this reflection. You know, now that you have a framework. Yes. And that in order for someone to buy. Right. Yeah. You have to build rapport, identify, need, make the decision making unit understand that pain and gain, look at consequences. For the proper solution, look at, you know, the benefits. Thinking back to that expressive need that doesn’t happen within one second and one hour, one day or one week.
00:26:30:04 – 00:26:54:17
It’s a long process. So. So this is a puzzle. Yes. And, when when you didn’t have that, I didn’t understand why I am receiving there. No. There you go. Yeah. And now, with that. Oh, I know what I did, what I yeah, yeah, I received, you know, what can I do to make a, to change that. What can I do to change it in the other project or to change in this project that I’m working on.
00:26:54:19 – 00:27:15:05
So thank you for sharing because today, you know, when, for the longest time living in Dubai or living in this part of the world, which is a growing part of the world, we’re very fortunate to be here. Yeah. You have supply and demand. When demand is more than supply, people are buying you. We’re not really selling. Yeah, right.
00:27:15:05 – 00:27:38:14
And they buy for many reasons. Yes. I was with someone in the Saudi market and I asked I asked the purchase manager, I said, I said, why do you buy from the same product from 2 or 3 suppliers? He said, I said, because I cannot rely on one supplier because one day he has the product, one day he says the whole thing and then I’m out of stock.
00:27:38:14 – 00:27:57:01
I cannot rely on this one. Yeah, yeah. So I need to be in good terms with the second and the third and the fourth. He needs to have backup plans. Yeah. So sorry, but in the Arabic language mistake that that’s good. One of the suppliers. Yeah I know it’s not this awesome thing to to be one of the suppliers.
00:27:57:01 – 00:28:19:23
What is awesome is to actually be able to go in and to really distinguish yourself, to really do the, the, the planning understand, is forecasting, ensure that you’re providing him all these at this for these products. Yeah. For us you have these relationships where you’re now building that relationship to that next level and integrating yourself within that business.
00:28:20:00 – 00:28:42:06
So keeping the outlook. Yes. Yeah. So, so having this map, what is that worth to you now for the rest, I mean, you’re you’re still a young up and coming, you know, professionalism here. We’re not going to mention anything like that, but, just think about it. What is that worth to you in your career?
00:28:42:08 – 00:29:10:01
Knowing it’s it’s not about just my my work, actually, I am glad that I took this course at this age. Early age. It’s it helps, to plan my whole life, my whole sales career, my whole, career in general. It helps me understand why I’m receiving, you know, it helps me, to to change myself and to adjust to the situation, to be able to get the result that I want.
00:29:10:03 – 00:29:33:12
It helps a lot on, on, on myself as a human being to, to understand more people and to understand why they are saying no and, to, and this monitoring helps me to adjust everything that I do in my life to get the result that I want, because it’s possible, but you just need to monitor it and adjust yourself.
00:29:33:14 – 00:29:58:00
Amazing. I think, this this says it all in terms of your, your, gratitude, your vision, in terms of how this is going to actually lead to a lot more success. So from one side, you become you, you become more aware. But as you grow, you can teach others. Definitely, you know, aspire one more, the inspire one more movement.
00:29:58:02 – 00:30:24:24
Yeah. Is definitely, definitely related to life. So thank you so much for that job. Any other wins that you, you got from the course that we didn’t discuss, I could say mainly about, having a good relation, building a relationship with the customer, and I’m saying building a relation just as a not just as a business relationship, but a relationship between two, two human being.
00:30:25:01 – 00:30:47:16
So how did you learn about what is it? How did you, let’s say, discovered that or what are you doing to focus on that relationship within the class? How do it. At first I was doing, all of my meeting with just business meeting, like, talking about work. What else? I could be talking to him. That was my idea of, of a meeting, and I was getting sales.
00:30:47:18 – 00:31:13:04
But not as much as I wanted. Not as, as my plan to get a specific result. So through this, all, activities that I learned from this course and the planning, the monitoring, the evaluation, I understand that, the reason why someone would buy from me, understand those reasons that building a trust and having, a good relationship with the customer can improve a lot.
00:31:13:05 – 00:31:54:00
My sales and a lot my life and my, my transactions with him. So having a good relationship with the customer, with, and building a trust, that it breaks the ice and, it helps you, it helps the other, the other person to, to elaborate more about his weaknesses and his pain and, through this, I was able to close a lot of projects and, having the confidence while I’m talking with, with, with, with the other person in a meeting having the confidence and to just close projects along in a meeting, you know, people do meeting, they will check again with their team and then
00:31:54:00 – 00:32:10:15
it will take a long process until the project will close. But having a good relationship with someone and, with the right person, actually, it will help a lot. Closing the projects on much faster way, which would save a lot of cost. You know, time is a cost,
00:32:10:15 – 00:32:52:21
any other wins that you can share. You’ve benefited from this program that just, along the way that I am, I’m studying on this program. I was, I was working on an interesting project, this interesting project while, I was able to do this project, program to, to identify the stakeholders and the decision makers and, and a project and, having a meet, having the, meeting to, to meet with those stakeholder, it needs a lot of planning and, a lot of evaluation and a lot of, you need to gather a lot of information and, at
00:32:52:21 – 00:33:22:07
this course have, have helped me to, to collaborate and improve a relationship with the decision maker and the stakeholder and, and, and, in this project that I’m working on and, through the minor, a lot of details that I find, and that I realized from this program, on how to build a relationship with the customer, through, like, letting him like you.
00:33:22:07 – 00:33:49:06
So, how do you how do you build, like, try, letting him trust you and, and, for him to like you. You like body language? Let’s say that I learned from this course, having the right tone while speaking to him. I’ll something find a final, finding something. Yeah. And common between, between me and him has, has definitely.
00:33:49:06 – 00:34:12:20
And I have seen it in my own. I has definitely improved my relationship with him. He started to open up, opening up with me. He started talking to me while and in a funny way, he started like, not just being very serious and very business related questions. I was able to build that relationship through this course and, it really improved my, my career with him and my business with
00:34:13:00 – 00:34:36:12
Remember the video when you said I didn’t know what I didn’t know? What did you have in mind back at that time. Was there anything in particular that you had in mind for that or it was. No. The planning, the process of a sales, that I should get that much details to improve the quality of my meeting.
00:34:36:16 – 00:35:01:19
I didn’t know about them at all. Wow. I really I didn’t know about those. It’s just the small details that, get that detail. Do this. Does this research, not just about the customer, but about the company, itself and the country. What’s affect the project in this country that I am working on doing this?
00:35:01:21 – 00:35:26:17
It’s really hard. I didn’t know that it will make that much affect on the result. I became more aware. Yeah. Talking as a as a peer. You’re you’re a part of this company. You’re not just something. Yeah. This is lesson three systematic. So I just try that, you know. Yeah. The five seasons. Yes. Awesome. I look when it’s, it’s a continuous, journey.
00:35:26:19 – 00:35:49:14
We we plan to, to once we launch this new program, we also want to have this practice sessions. So stay stay tuned to, you know what? We’re going to be communicating. Because the more you practice, you stop practicing what you’ve done. Yeah. Sharing ideas like what you did. Now, when you start teaching, you become so much better.
00:35:49:16 – 00:36:16:10
This I didn’t know. Like, teaching makes something, makes me improve. And what I am teaching about, I didn’t know about this. Thought I was able to recap what I did, what I did wrong, and what’s the, what’s the right process and the right plan? Yeah. What’s the answers that I should, do to improve when you can teach something to someone?
00:36:16:12 – 00:36:40:05
It’s the the ultimate level of mastery. Yeah. The how you become the master. Yeah. And that’s a master in the making. Yeah. And so yeah. Take the time and break down these elements is always going to be it’s going to be there to to to, to have and anytime you have, anytime you have to close a deal.
00:36:40:07 – 00:36:59:24
You know, when you say, when I don’t close a deal, I know what were the points missing. Yeah. Do the opposite when you close a deal. What I did that I face. That will solve that will solidify them more in your mind. Yeah. Anything than anything else. And it will cause you to do more of the same.
00:37:00:01 – 00:37:20:21
When I did this first project I realized that it was through a good relationship with this person. Yeah. So I met him 3 to 4 times and one of them was yesterday, and I was able to close yesterday. Two projects at the moment. Two more. Yes, yes. Yeah. But this is the promises or these are close. Close. No.
00:37:20:21 – 00:37:46:23
The promises. Like three months ago I was just passing by a project site location. It was in business Bay, and I saw a site location, and there was no one. Even that security guy wasn’t there. But I wrote it down on my lead. And through this application. I’m so, And, you know, I explained in that journey map that it will take the project to get awarded for the integrator who will buy from me.
00:37:46:23 – 00:38:06:05
It will take six months, let’s say, yesterday when I was in a meeting with him, he told me I’m working, because he is very picky on his project. So he just discussed it with developer and the client themselves. He told me, I’m working on this project. I told them I’m already working on it, too. So,
00:38:06:07 – 00:38:30:15
And he told me this project. This yours? Definitely. And that’s it. Amazing. Yeah. I saved months of, searching results, not knowing who will get a lot of that. Who is the consultant? Who is this contractor? I know everything now. Amazing. Yeah. Awesome. Well, look, do you want to say any recommendations for people considering to take the course?
00:38:30:15 – 00:38:58:22
What would you tell people that are watching you today? And maybe are debating. Should I invest in myself? Should I, take the plunge? And, get on the journey of transforming my sales capability? Looking back at, where I was before taking this course, it’s really massive, change and, and my daily life, my daily activities.
00:38:58:24 – 00:39:30:16
I wasn’t doing that much. I was doing a lot of things and a lot of activities, but not getting that much results that I wanted. And what I am being asked for, realizing through this course, the importance of, the process of sales, the journey that minor details applying them and every sales activities that I do have a massively improved my, my, my quality of my sales and the result of the sales that I am making.
00:39:30:18 – 00:39:49:17
I would really recommend that to everyone that I am, that I am telling my stories to them, even people when, when I meet with people, and some I, of course, I meet some sales people and even my other colleagues from different branches and departments are asking me, what is the sales that you are doing?
00:39:49:17 – 00:40:06:21
And, having the knowledge to tell them what they are doing, to teach them what they are doing wrong and what I learned, what they should change. I would really recommend it to everyone. And they would like it a lot. And they are so much interested. Actually.
00:40:06:21 – 00:40:40:14
tell us, I think, you know, today, the main objective here is, you know, how can we help and inspire people to, be confident, to take a step to improve themselves? You know, today in the world of AI, AI is here to stay. And as AI is here to stay, it’s really creating a big gap between those who are AI enabled and those who are not.
00:40:40:15 – 00:41:05:13
Now that gap is becoming very, very obvious. Yeah. For our industries today, well, that same gap exists for those individuals who remain, let’s say, selling. I mean, you can drive a car in Lebanon. We drove cars, but not in the banking. You know, it’s nothing to be proud of. Yeah, but back in the warm days, we have to do that in case we needed to drive the car.
00:41:05:15 – 00:41:27:01
But today, having that license to drive right gives us that second level ability. And, we don’t know what we don’t know. And that’s today the biggest gap in the world is not knowing what to do, but it’s about doing what you know. So until next time. Sell more, sell faster and profitably.