How to leverage ‘blue ocean’ sales opportunities by focusing on export distribution

Sales Professor Ramez Helou interviews Fady Chehade, Vice President Global Business Development at GOJO Industries. Both gentlemen discuss the latest trends and insights impacting export sales and how you too can best leverage this powerful segment for selling.
The Latest Trends Impacting Foodservice Sales with Ayman Arnous, Head of Foodservice Sales – GCC at Almarai

Given the dramatic changes in the foodservice industry (accelerated by the recent pandemic), this week, Sales Professor Ramez Helou speaks to Ayman Arnous, Head of Foodservice Sales for the GCC at Almarai.
Being the Fastest through Learning and Execution for Business Survival (Arabic Only)

An Interesting Dialogue by Ramez Helou with Sobhi Akbik- His Beginnings, authorship and Training Journey
البقاء للأسرع تعلماً وتطبيقاً: حوار شيق أجراه رامز حلو مع صبحي آق بيق – البدايات ورحلة التأليف والتدريب
How to Generate and Close More Sales Leads

In this episode, sales professor Ramez Helou is in conversation with Philip Mazloumian, one of the foremost Revenue, Sales & Marketing Consultants in the region. They discuss strategies for generating and closing more sales leads.
How Your Environment Affects Your Success in Sales

Why should you carefully choose the people you spend time with? And how can this affect your success in sales? Watch the whole video below to find out.
Discipline and the Principle of Delayed Gratification

Some choose instant gratification, while others have the ability to wait. What type of person are you? Learn more about discipline and the principle of delayed gratification.
You Don’t Get A Second Chance to Make a First Impression

In this episode, Sales Professor Ramez Helou speaks to Alan Bell. After 25 years of sales experience, and USD 70 Million in closed sales deals, Alan decided to swap his full-time sales profession to become an entrepreneur and photographer in Dubai, UAE.
The Type of Clients to Always Approach First

One of the biggest fallacies out there is that people prefer to call on clients that they don’t know! Why so? Watch the whole video below by Ramez Helou if you want to know the answer!
What differentiates top sales professionals from average sales professionals?

The growth mindset is the simple idea that it is not just about being a talented sales professional, but also about learning the secrets and tools that will help you become a successful and top sales professional.
How to Follow Up with Sales Prospects Without Being Annoying

Ever tried to sell your product to a potential client you don’t really like? It can be challenging, right? Let Ramez Helou introduce you to how to follow up with clients to increase your chances of success.