How Inter-Cultural Intelligence can Increase Your Sales

No business can survive without sales. Let’s face it – without sales, we don’t actually have a business.  This article gets you to think about how your company generates sales and – more importantly – what impacts those sales positively or negatively. In a world that is becoming more diverse by the minute, have you […]

How To Do Stakeholder Mapping

Before we get into an understanding of how to do stakeholder mapping… Let’s first have a look at what we mean by the term stakeholder mapping. Definition 1: Stakeholder mapping is the process of identifying and categorizing key stakeholders involved in achieving the policy objectives of your organization. Mapping helps you evaluate your relationships with […]

The Right Mindset of a Sales Professional

Before we get into the right mindset of a sales professional, let’s address the elephant in the room:  A huge percentage of people are either afraid of selling or simply just don’t like it.  But why is that?  Well, let’s take a look… I’m sure you’ve experienced at least one of these types of salespeople: […]

How does inflation affect sales?

Want to receive more great sales strategies directly in your inbox? Complete the form below to receive future content by email [zohoForms src= width=100% height=450px type=iframe autoheight=false urlparams= /] How does inflation affect sales? Hello everyone, firstly thank you to sales professor Ramez Helou for this opportunity. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you to the […]