The Future of the Sales Profession in 20-30 Years

Will there be a need for sales professionals 20 or 30 years from now? What will be the future of the sales profession?
4 Steps to Successful Sales Coaching

We know that the speed of the team is determined by the speed of its leader. Here is a simple formula to successful sales coaching.
Sales Leadership Tip: Are You a Giver or a Taker?

One of the things that I remember when I was in sales was the simple idea of giving. The more I gave, the more successful I became. Are you a giver?
How to Avoid Distractions in Sales?

Sales Tips: Three things to avoid distractions in sales.
Selling Skills Tip: Sales Mindset Of High Achievers

Sales Mindset: There are 3 types of salespeople. Those who make sales happen, those who watch people make sales happen, and those who wonder what just happened!
How Inter-Cultural Intelligence can Increase Your Sales

No business can survive without sales. Let’s face it – without sales, we don’t actually have a business. This article gets you to think about how your company generates sales and – more importantly – what impacts those sales positively or negatively. In a world that is becoming more diverse by the minute, have you […]
How To Do Stakeholder Mapping

Before we get into an understanding of how to do stakeholder mapping… Let’s first have a look at what we mean by the term stakeholder mapping. Definition 1: Stakeholder mapping is the process of identifying and categorizing key stakeholders involved in achieving the policy objectives of your organization. Mapping helps you evaluate your relationships with […]
The Right Mindset of a Sales Professional

Before we get into the right mindset of a sales professional, let’s address the elephant in the room: A huge percentage of people are either afraid of selling or simply just don’t like it. But why is that? Well, let’s take a look… I’m sure you’ve experienced at least one of these types of salespeople: […]
How to measure sales effectiveness
“If you beat the sales team with a stick and it doesn’t work, beat them with the carrot until it does!”
How does inflation affect sales?

Want to receive more great sales strategies directly in your inbox? Complete the form below to receive future content by email [zohoForms src= width=100% height=450px type=iframe autoheight=false urlparams= /] How does inflation affect sales? Hello everyone, firstly thank you to sales professor Ramez Helou for this opportunity. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you to the […]