How to Grow Sales Through Relationship Marketing


One of the biggest questions out here is that what drives sales? What drives sales is opportunities on top of the funnel. And if you and your team don’t have a systematic approach to put the opportunities on top of the funnel to put the right qualified opportunities above that funnel, then that funnel dries up. Today I have with me Phil, that offered a very dear friend and very dear friend and somebody that, is is just a legend when it comes to the principle of building. We call it relationship marketing, Philip, relationship marketing, relationship marketing. And we really want to dig in today if you are doing B2B sales, if you are in direct sales, if you are in any type of sales, I think these are some of the fundamentals that you want to be, to, to kind of tune in, to really take your game to the, to the next level.

Phil, how you doing? Fantastic. Great to be here. I will go and have a fantastic. So we were discussing this just before, before the, the episode in here is why do, large teams don’t focus or maybe have a blind spot building the capability of their own Salesforce to generate business through the cheapest yet the most effective method of marketing and promotion . What do you think? And so what is that? What is that? Okay, people. whether it’s referrals, networking, your contacts, most businesses know that these are the best leads because they’re ultimately generated for free, and they have to convert the quickest. But how many businesses actually have a strategy and to leverage that? we often find that small business owners will be generating that opportunity.

But as a as a company grows, why do they not leverage that more as a strategy? And I don’t think many people listening to this will have a strategy for networking. Absolutely. as a matter of fact, I can tell you a story. in 2004, I left the direct sales business where our success or the success of my business depended on me.

Well, first, as a sales person dependent on me getting referrals, asking for referrals, whether the prospectsdecides to buy or not. So I have to build enough rapport at the end of an hour for them to be comfortable, to take up their phone and give me some names. Right? however, it was that same exact strategy that I have utilized when I came to Dubai in 2004, worked with Unilever . My first six month was a key account manager selling in the food service industry, and I used the same exact principles to open multi-million dollar account for underneath the. So I was programed to ask. Ask who do you know who has the you know could use and and I had that ingrained in me and I taught that internally.

Yet I see as I train many organizations today, it is a blind spot. It’s a blind spot. People will want skills to do key account management lingo, but that is just that extra, you know, I would say icing on the cake. I would argue that two of the most important skills in business is the ability to sell, and the ability to build andleverage relationships internally in your business, where you’re selling yourself for promotions and also for efficiency in the business.

And secondly, outside to get clients. And yet, there are two of the last things that I ever taught in business school and wait till afterwards. There may be 1 or 2 that are now teaching sales, but real strategic networking and business development people wait until maybe they’re in business a number of years. Well, that’s why it is. You know, the concept of it’s the, it’s kind of like the The Last Frontier.

It’s that, you know, best kept secret. And I think, there is a book out there, the best kept, the world’s best known marketing secret. Best, best one where they got the world’s best, best, best known, knock marketed secret, which is the concept of branding. So, so let’s let’s look at it. Well, why what are some of the preconceived notion or the, the, like the beliefs.

So I if I’m a sales manager, okay, I’m going to send my team, I think to their networking people associate that with, okay, let’s just go to where people are hanging and and let’s see what we get. Let’s got a lot of business cards. I think you have a story about that. Can you tell us that? Oh, yeah.

There’s a lot. I think one thing you have to hit immediately is the minute we say networking, there’ll be people who are like, oh, no, I’m finished with this video. but at the end of the day, if you want to get more sales, get more commissions, and ultimately get it easier, you need to keep tuning in. Yeah.

Because one of the things we’re going to talk about is the fact that most people are networking incorrectly, which is why it’s such a waste of time for a lot of people. So so I mean, there’s a number of things to look at. And of course, one of the things is, you know why you’re doing it, you know, well, what are you missing in that aspect?

And I think the challenges for most salespeople, of course, is, let’s face it, if you’re sat in a business and you’re you want leads, it’s much easier if the company just give them to you. And many companies do have budgets and funds to put opportunities on top of the funnel. So they generate these leads and then and then the salesman is just used to getting these leads that I’ll say I’m a salesperson.

Can I have some leads please? Thank you very much. Cool. Right, right. Question is what happens when the leads don’t come because either the company has budget constrictions or they’re not coming. So what does the salesperson do then? You know, if you want to succeed, if you’re based on commission and your success is based on leads and there’s nothing coming in or getting shared with the rest of the team, and you want more, what do you do?

They start to you and you do have that control. You can do something and ultimately it’s free. And, we aresurrounded by people and ultimately as people that buy from us. Right. So if we if you want to do better if you want that opportunity, you can make it happen. You just let’s say maybe you need to learn a little biton how to do it.

And so Phil, let’s go back to the fundamentals. Right. how do we do it? How do we you know, what would be one of the things that, a salesperson who says, okay, I know that needs now are becoming more expensive. My company is giving me less leads. Oh, not to mention if I’m running a. So there are many companies who have a large size of customers lakes.

So the salespeople are busy serving the existing customers while the market is growing bounds and leaps in terms of number of outlets. So if the company or me, if I’m not generating more, but then sell opportunities, I’m not getting better coverage. So I need to find proactively go after after new opportunities, then the end is near if I’m not doing it.

So step number one what needs to happen? from a mindset perspective, to, to kind of break the ice there. I think number one is you need to decide you want to do it well, you’re motivated enough to do it. So and a lot of this comes down to the motivational factors. And the delivered on us by the company.

So if you’re an order taker, sit down and wait for the leads and just ring a sort of taking. But at the end of the day, if you’re if you’re tasked to get new business, then you, you know, you need to realize I’ve got to do something new. So number one is, is to realize that you need to take action because you’re motivated to do so, because then you might realize, okay, well, how do I do this in a way that’s going to work for me?

Because you may have experienced networking before and maybe wasted your time or didn’t enjoy it. And so it’s realizing that actually, number one, most people aren’t networking at all. What they’re actually doing is cold calling face to face. And the reason they do that is because that’s what they were told to do by their bosses. So what is cold calling face to face?

So give us an example of that. Okay. You ready? Yeah. We’ve just met at a networking event. Yeah. And I’m like, hi, what’s your name? Holland. Phil Ramos. Luciano Ramos runs. what do you do for a living? yeah. like, I really care because I just want to sell. Yeah, I’m a professor. Are you a professor? is do you own a house, by any chance? You don’t know, I don’t. Oh, you don’t see your energy all your renting. I manage wasted money. Well, I’m in real estate. I think I’d like to sell you a house. How about we have a conversation about how I can save your house? In fact, you know how much even wasted this year on rent. How does he feel? Right? I mean, I’m just selling. I’m selling, I’m selling. He just wants me to shut up. I just need to. Yeah, I don’t know the guy. In fact, he wants to sell to me because you’re networking as well. So if we’re both selling, nobody’s listening. Right. And if you do that 20, 30, 40 times in a networking event it’s no wonder nobody hates it.

So number one change in the dynamic. You know instead if I’m when I’m talking to Rams I say sorry Ram is what do you do. I may consultant I help people grow sites grow. So so what kind of sales would that be. And this is typically within B2B the B2B space food manufacture, food distribution. So so let me get this right. So like FMcG, big companies have like say I know, bottle manufacture like fizzy drinks. Is that a FMcG? Okay. So so you’d work directly with their sales department, right. So basically companies will have difficulties in expanding their reach in the market. So they either sell direct or sell through distributors. So basically one of the challenges of that I have to solve is if they have distributors, then I actually have the principle company to create systems and tools and trainings to drive productivity.

Okay, DSR distributor sales reps. Okay. So if I knew, for example, a company that was having trouble sales or the distributors weren’t selling enough, that’s the kind of thing you that it would be ideal. okay. So we pause here. I mean, we can go down that conversation a little bit further, but you see, I’m showing interest. Yeah. You know, and everybody ultimately wants to talk about themselves. So my goal here instead of trying to sell immediately Ramesh is find out what he needs.

This is a sales conversation by the way who is a what does he need. Water is challenges. Now if I can in some way, shape or form number one help you by connecting you or doing something. How do you feel about me that I’ve helped you? Wonderful, wonderful, right? It’s a different kind of conversation, but this is the principle of sales. All I’m doing is questioning and finding out what pains you have in your sales process, your life in person. But on that, I’m trying to help.

That’s completely change the dynamic, right? So now when I see Ramsey again, he may not buy from me in a minute, but I have a high level of respect to sell. I have a high level of liking. I’m interested in him. You know, the basic premise is the law of, you know, liking. So when you show interest in someone, you find that you want to help you achieve a goal. Then I like you more. And the conversation may not stop. A business night conversation might be. So what do you do in his spare time? And we find out that we both done so. We both like certain kind of food or whatever.

And then you get a human bond. and again, this is what people don’t realize is when we find a commonality with another human being, we feel safe here. When we feel safe, we’re more inclined to buy. We’re more inclined to help to refer. But the problem is people are only talking about business. So we’re looking at a little bit of a layered approach to business development. And here’s another thing I’m probably going to have to go back and see is that the next time this event moves, next time it turns up, I go back again.

So I a relationship. So the thing is with networking is it’s not a slot machine but money comes out. It’s more of a farming thing. I want to tell you mentioned a whole bunch of things there. And one thing that I want to, explicitly mention in here, you know, as if he was actually asking me these questions and he showed interest and I can see his eyes moving, and he’s thinking I could actually see him. and I’ve known you for quite some time, and you did a very spontaneous move into this thinking. So I actually know he’s he’s he’s brains are thinking, I know he’s then doing something to want to help me. And automatically there was this affinity. Yes. Like, wow. Thank you.

This is you know and trying to explain to him. So actually this is, you know, as, as you rightly said, the one of the laws, of influence is called the law of, of liking. And you build liking through multiple different things, but one, you find something in common. Second, you help someone achieve a certain goal. You know, what really builds liking is listening to a person. So when you’re listening in, you’re asking what we call follow up questions.

Research shows that asking these follow up questions demonstrate to the person that is being asked that the person on the other side actually cares and is and is answering a lot, a lot of things, a lot of a lot of good things there. So but people don’t have time. People say, this takes a lot of time. Well, you know, I want something quicker, faster. Absolutely. And that’s why so many people revert to things like cold calling, you know, so they want to call success not success. Move on. Success not success. Maybe I’ll just want to go through the numbers game. Yeah. But then you go to like a one inch 20 hit one the or 100.

Yeah. Whatever. I mean it’s really low if it’s even legal where you are. so the thing is networking can take a little bit longer. Okay. And what it does require is for you to go back a little bit. But here’s the thing. People are 90, 60% more likely to buy from you if they’re fake, if they were face to face, if they are face to face. So imagine you’ve already got goodwill. okay. My my primary goal was into solitude is to help you. Yeah. And I come back to you a couple of times.

Most sales statistics state that you need to see people between 8 and 12 times for them to buy. They need a bank whose marketing message is networking meetings between 8 and 12. Right. So even sales, normal sales driven is not going to happen. The majority of the time to do that very rarely, rarely, even very rare one that’s ready to buy what you’re going to be like 1 or 2%. So why even it’s like it’s going to take time anyway.

Why burn the bridge? This person, you know, I was trained at a very young age. Sorry for interrupting. Everyone has a phone and that phone has today hundreds and thousands of contacts. If you build enough trust with this individual and they have a close relationship with the, you know, let’s say 25 to 30 individuals and you, they know what you do.

It’s only a matter of time before they will want to reciprocate that value back to you. Yeah. So even from a sales perspective, you know, you you’re very, very lucky if they close on that first. Okay. Yeah. Once one 2% maybe. And in a networking event all you’re done is annoy everybody else because you sold to them. Right. So if you look at networking is almost the same, it still takes 8 to 12 touches.

So that means you go back to the same sports club or you go back to the same networking group, but you go back a couple of times and you just look to build relationships. So number one they’re going to like you. Number two, if they’re in the market to buy, they will when they’re ready. But if they like you they might refer you. So that’s another business funnel from the same one.

Yeah. But the problem is people don’t go back to the same networking event twice or if they do not three times, and for a number of reasons, one because they didn’t get immediate results. So they discourage that. It doesn’t work exactly. But they’re not realizing that even sales takes 8 to 12 times. So their mindset is I want a quick sale right now, as opposed to going in to really build their relationship as opposed to let go, get a say in the spot on and allow it to come.

Right. And the other thing is, I’ve seen is that I have no salespeople that do actually enjoy these sessions. They can start to feel it moving, but that’s what happens. Go back to the office, sales manager says, where’s your results? You’re going to stop going there. I want you to go somewhere else because you should have results by not because the manager doesn’t understand they 8 to 12, right.

So it’s not always our fault. So so if you are leading a sales team and your team actually is, you know, is spending time in that working, right? One way you can do is ask them, who are the people you’re meeting? Tell me more about what are their goals, what do they want to achieve? Because it they can’t answer these questions. It means that they haven’t done the networking properly. They need help in terms of in terms of better connecting with these individuals, because then they won’t be they probably would have annoyed the person. And that doesn’t matter if they go to 1 or 100 of these networking, doing the wrong thing, more of the wrong results will keep coming up. There you go. I mean, we can simplify this. Number one, you got a network in the right place. So you as a salesperson are in amongst the people. You should be in amongst. So like give me an example here. Well let’s just say if I’m, if I’m selling, software to accountants and then right from selling software to accountants, I can go to a general business group with 800 people in the room, but that could be a multitude of different business owners. And I might be lucky if I’m lucky. And all those people to meet one accountant. Or I could go to a group of accountants that are meeting because they want to talk about accountancy things. Well, if I can network, there was no chance of hitting it. So I’m like meaning more the it. So you find target audience, find the target audience. So number one you go to select the network. And most people are selecting the networks based on the amount of people that are there rather than the who’s that? Okay. So it’s not a numbers game. It’s a quality game. Are you going? And then when you’re there, you need to have the skills to develop those conversations. Because if you walk in there and just sell inappropriately, you’ll burn your bridges. Everyone would be like, oh, you want to stay away from him off. So you got to be strategic. So number one is where you go. Number two is what you do when you’re there. And then the other one, of course is follow up. You met these conversations. You’ve met these people. You have to follow up to nurture that opportunity. And in my experience, 95% of people do not follow up. so let’s talk a bit about the follow up. So what type of follow up are we talking about for. So follow up in an appropriate manner. So remember I’ll send you an email with all my offerings and all my thing. Absolutely not. Because absolutely not. Right. Unless the other person asked for it. Got it. So when we follow up, what we got to remember is we’re following up to build a relationship, right? To maintain our personal and business brand with the person we met. you know, if I have a great conversation with you about your lovely wife and your hobbies and your food and using. What a lovely guy. And then I follow up and say, oh, by the way, here’s everything I could do for you. principles and as a, as a, let’s say, younger entrepreneur from Cisco, I am today realizing, you know what, I it’s a pleasure to have an army. It’s a pleasure to build this network of people where we got each other’s backs. Right. And, I mean, I can say this, this, this one investment and learning, developing and even building on whatever fundamentals I already had, has, has, has brought millions of, the Rams dollars over the last, you know, and I’ve always I’ve always acknowledged your humility. And, you know, I use that story and, by the way, later on, I invested in myself from my business by attending Ramsey’s programs because I recognized I had a need. So I had to humble myself and learn and hencewe got this great relationship, and off it goes. But, you know, the interesting thing here is there’s a difference between networking, a networking group and your personal network. Well they’re all different. Right. And so until we start to realize what they are we don’t know how to use them necessarily. And we don’t have a proper process to build any one of them. So you need a network right. You need to be networking. And what’s the other one. Your personal network and then your professional network networking networking group networking groups is the one that I miss. So so and talking about that, it’s, it’s a, it takes the right, the right mindset. All right. So I, I’m very appreciative that, I joined the, the ascent of, the ascent of network back, you know, 2010, when I first started, at the time, it was called the Referral Institute. Yeah. I’m not an incentive. Yeah. And and that staying around like minded individuals and people that have a common target. So again, there’s a whole strategy. And I highly, highly recommend that you keep, you know, taking some ideas in here and then possibly explore ways of how you can actually build that competence for yourself and your team, regardless if it’s with Ramsey’s or Phil or any other way, because this is a viable way of building and generating future future results. So I think I want to leave from my perspective, one metaphor, one image with any salesperson here. And I think we mentioned this in the beginning, the challenges you’re always under under pressure to perform, not and I get that, you know, the end of the week. What’s your sales targets. What did you do. So we’re always under pressure with salespeople. And so when it comes to networking and we say, you know, you’re going to have to meet people a few times and you have to go back. You’re like, yeah, but I need it now, right? And so what I’d like to leave you with is a thought. Imagine a sponge, you know, an old style sponge, you know, and and when you pour a little bit of water on top of the sponge, what happens to the water just a little bit goes in, it goes in. It doesn’t come out. Right? No. And it doesn’t even show. That doesn’t even show. Yeah. Right. And then you drip another bit okay. Nothing. You drip a bit more. Nothing and then a bit more nothing. And this is a little bit like networking. You know, you kind of drip see people drip relationship drip network go back again. You drip, drip, drip, drip. And it might take you a couple of weeks, couple of months. But then one day what happens when you put that drip in. Yep. So what comes out. Yeah. Right. But if we don’t do any of the drips it doesn’t come out. So this is part of the relationship building process. This is part of the networking process. Now the thing is, if you’re continually networking every time you’re coming out, what you’re doing is filling sponge after sponge after sponge. So you may have a delay to start with. But when that first sponge starts to get rid of its water, which is ultimately money and clients for you, but you keep doing it. Each week there’s a new sponge opening up, so you may have a delay at the beginning, but you keep networking and then the sponges will keep coming. So I have a sales team. Let’s say I have 15 or 20 individuals, right. And the market size is, you know, just for example, in the UAE that is more than 250,000 businesses alone. Right? There is more, but I’m just utilizing statistics that is that that is a little bit outdated. so and I have a lot of business, and I think today’s salespeople or sales organizations confuse activity with productivity. So the team might be, might be active. They’re busy. They’re busy doing what? Are they busy serving existing customers? Are they busy and doing administration for existing customers? Or so I think. If we’re not measuring, if we don’t really understand, right, that one second the time that they’re utilizing isn’t really going to putting these little these sponges is multitudes of sponges so that eventually they can get the water gushing. And they in a way. So what can you tell sales leaders who have 20 or so or 15 salespeople, you know, what can you tell them if they do not, let’s say, build that strategy to help their team not only serve existing customers, but also generate more opportunities utilizing these basic, fundamental skills? Well, first of all, I would say to any sales managers, make sure you teach or get your staff to learn how to network effectively efficiently, because, you know, just doing something again and again and again incorrectly is or is it? They show the sign of ignorance is insanity is doing the same expecting a different result. Right. And the thing is, most people who expect you to network have never even learned themselves. Okay, so you can’t teach someone if you can’t do yourself and just walking around handing out business cards. And maybe if you’re lucky, you’re doing an elevator pitch is not networking. If it was, I wouldn’t have a job. To teach is to some. Okay, so number one is learn. Yeah. but secondly, if you’re not going to teach your people how to do this. You just got to find more money. You just going have to find more money to generate leads another way. Right? Right. Simple as that. Right. You know, so you and so you’re going to spend money either on that or on something else. Yes. You if you’re not going to train these people to do it. Yeah. Then you’re going to have to find other ways to get leads, which is spending money to spend it on. Ultimately, there’s only two ways to get clients. I can spend money, or you can get them for free. Hey, and if you want to spend a little bit of money money on training your team, there is a bit of an investment to start with. But ultimately that’s free business going forward and there’s a delayed reaction is delayed reaction. But trouble is, everybody’s stuck on this. Yeah, because it’s trackable. I gave you this much money. You did this many calls. I know exactly what it is. So people want to be in charge and in control. Have more control here. This one, maybe there’s a little bit of a wave of faith. But by the way, you can also track networking. So managers can actually say where did you go. How many conversations. Who do you follow up. But the manager would also have to understand what networking is. So they need to be educated as well. What to track these leading indicators. So what are the actions that a potential salesperson is doing that actually is helping them get, quality, quality networks, networking, you know, personal networks. how what are they doing to build these three different pillars? to get the results? I can give you a perfect example. I won’t mention the company. but I, I’ve been talking to this company about training their sales teams. I’ve been talking to them for nearly ten years, and they’ve still not done it ten, ten years and they’ve still not done it. And they’re always coming for me to fail. Can you train the team you left to is this quote, and they don’t do it. And for ten years they’ve been talking about we need to get our sales teams out there networking, because we’ve got 1 or 2 people in our group who are amazing and they’re generating the best leads, the best quality and the best conversion, but the rest of them don’t. But the company hasn’t take action on that yet. I can only imagine what it’s cost them over the last ten years, and, and recently they, one of their salespeople, turned up on my networking events and walked away with two prospects for an hour. This person did it off their own back, turned up with two prospects, went back to the company, said guess what happened this week? And they didn’t turn up? and you got to wonder why. Maybe the company didn’t free them up. They didn’t come back. But the point is, at the networking event again, there was more new people. There’s more new people to come. They just showed it works. But they stopped it. They they stopped for whatever reason. And so sometimes I don’t even know why. But one of the things I learned years ago, if it’s working and it’s giving you what you want, find ways to do more of it, right. You know, there is something called the multiplier effect, you know, and and it’s like the little things that make make a big make a bigger result on on people. And you know, the, the 1% better. So like, you know, they say there are two types of things, either that they end up regret or the pain of disciplined regret is, you know, is is failing to discipline yourself over time to do these little, to, to go at the end to attend these networking events. Right. So I didn’t do it the first time. Second. And then after a while, it’s such a huge let’s say, this advantage that others who have networks who are, let’s say, closer to the opportunities are able to, you can say, read them a lot better, right. The other pain is the pain of discipline. Yeah. Discipline yourself to be at the networking event, to learn the basic principles, to do these basic things. And at the end, you build habits and research on habit building shows today that on average there is something called a simple or a complex behavior. Networking or selling is not as simple. It’s a very complex behavior and it’s not going to be built in 1 or 2 days. It’s actually, will take anywhere between, you know, 30 to 120 or 200 or 300 days or so research on the topic, but an average of 66 days. So if you if you put in your mind, I will just do small things for two months. you know, three months. Let’s just say I’m going to do small things for the first ten days. So if you if you do something for ten days, right, you spend, you know, you make. Hi, how are you? Phone calls to. Hi. How are you? Phone calls for ten days. That’s reaching up to 20 different individual not to sell, but to actually see how how how I move and I can’t tell you the number of times I follow the simple strategy. And it has generated opportunities without me even asking for these opportunities. So imagine doing that for an entire year and have this habit. This is one of the simple, I would say, techniques or simple strategies that Phil teaches at the at some app is program. So you know, it’s interesting and then you know I don’t maybe you guys can tell me for what reason. You know, people don’t embrace this. I think most of times it’s mindset or you don’t know about experience pressure from somebody else. But the interesting thing is people are finding more and more expensive and complicated ways to try and find clients. But the most simple thing on the planet is still face to face. And if you can do more of it, and especially in an environment with good people, with with some skills that make it more, comfortable for you and a couple of tweaks, you know, guess what? Pretty much guarantee your competition on there. so that’s open field. And even if they do turn out what the chances are because they don’t understand networking, they don’t come back anyway. So you just stay there. And I’ve got a lady in one of my networks, she does a business set up. She’s at nearly every session. She’s won awards. She’s called multiple clients. I mean, she’s really done well, but she turns up as a good person and they pick and 6812 think someone else doing exactly the same. Bing turns up twice. maybe has a conversation. It doesn’t come back. They sell the same thing. One doesn’t get anything, don’t gets tons because she keeps to. Is this the science we’re talking about 8 to 12 times positive mindset. She contributes to other people and your competition could do the same. They could fail equally. Want you learn how to do that. but there are people out there that I’m talking to and, you know, networking is not your thing, right? Some people just it’s not them. And that’s okay. Find what works for you. But if you if you do say this is something that can work, it can be good. I love the analogy that you shared with me once, and it’s like, you know, when is the best time to build the roof? So is that when it rains or before the trains? The answer is obvious, right? You know, it’s before the train, right? And today, for in many organizations, is it training? In other words, is there lack of business? Is there are we feeling more competition? Are you feeling the pressure that today’s, you know, development, AI and all the different things have really caused businesses to, to, to, to suffer. Today I was at a client and he’s saying, okay, summer is coming, and we have some of our clients who actually will go out of business in this upcoming season because you know that it’s known it’s a slower time. And if they’re not, they’re not they haven’t done the right things. It’s going to be their end. So I think here today, I believe a very good defense is a is an offense. And today, whether the business is doing very well, you know, I think because if your business is doing very well, do take the time to, investigate, to really put in a proper plan. And just as you have a key account management strategy, you have a, you know, a, let’s say a personality style be, you know, behavior or negotiation training. I really think, and I highly recommend looking at a building, a referral, pipeline building a helping your team generate their own opportunities so that everybody, everybody can, can benefit from that. And as a sales manager, you can only look better if you’re bringing in more leads and more business with less spend. So, talking about the specialized, type of networking or networks, tell us a little bit about what have you done over the last year to build the, the infrastructure for multiple different niches? So if our audiences are from the hospitality or from the IT or from the, you know, sports business, whatever, you know, just shout a shout out. Share with us a little bit about what are some of the resources that people can start, you know, participating in almost immediately. Yeah. So I own a networking group called Strategic Business Connect. And, the words are in the Strategic connect. Just connect. And the idea really there is to help particularly salespeople and business owners and people who are empowered to sales to be very strategic in their selection of where they go, networking and so, for example, you know, if you understand where your potential clients could be, then we have, strategic industry groups that allow you to say, that’s group is where I’d find my clients, or there’s a very high potential that the people in that group would be able to refer me and connect me to clients. So number one, it allows you to be very focused. Then what we do in each of these sessions, we limit the number of attendees. So the number one even introverts are comfortable. But more importantly you can guarantee you’re going to speak to everybody in the room. So what have we got. We got super focus networking. You’re guaranteed to speak to everyone in the room. And we guide the conversation so you can extrapolate as many possibilities from each conversation aspossible. This is highly effective, highly comfortable and a great way to get into networking. And you know, even I when I attend these sessions, I again it’s a it’s a way of, you know, giving back. So, you know, meeting people and generally being interested in them, wanting to help them and they end up helping me. They end up giving me referrals and things like that. So again, having, you know, being part of the network and, and just trying, testing these various networks is very, very highly, in fact, if I can, I can tell you and if you’re in, if you’re not sure which networking group, I mean, you can always check out the website, but if you’re not sure which one would best serve you, feel free to reach out to me. I through Amazon myself, and we can certainly suggest which would work for you, but is a great thing is, you know, nine times out of ten on value myself. So I actually get to advise and help with that. I get to meet you and give pointers. So it’s it’s a very warm environment, which I think is is important for networking. So one is just being around the right people, other people, as you contribute to that dynamic yourself, which is very human. Absolutely. So again, if you’d like to take the first steps, this is a fantastic way to learn more and, take your little actions in that direction. So we’ll see you there. Who knows. You might as well you’ll see Phil and who knows, you might see me that as well. So just as a way of summarizing the session today and really leaving and just kind of jotting these four things that you can take action on. Phil, if you’re able to summarize for us, you know, what are the 3 or 4 steps that our audiences can take, immediately to actually start building that, that, Wolf, before the trend. Number one, do it. Okay. Decide that you want to do it. Do it. Number two, have a look at your mindset and remember that it’s not a sales immediately. It’s about giving and helping and connecting. So change your mindset. Number three learn and discover how to develop a conversation to explain what you do. So there is a skill set to look guy. How do you explain what you do in a way that they understand and that you’re memorable and that they’ll want to connect with you again, the whole nine yards? Exactly. Because if you can’t explainwhat you do, the more technical you get, the less chance they understand. So understanding that as a whole, training around that and then ultimately follow up, just keep doing it and then keep doing it right. So here you go. Multiple different. Think of a sponge. Think of the sponge. So again it’s been a pleasure to, to have this conversation with Phil. This is not our first time together. If you haven’t heard the first webinar or the first, conversation we had, highly recommend you go back and check that that episode out. And again, just building, more value to our audiences. So if you’d like to discuss or if you’d like us to explore further, how could you develop your own, build your own roofs? Just feel free to reach out, and we’ll be happy to follow up. I was that. Thank you. I wonder if I said so. Until next time. Some more sell faster and profitably.

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