By Munene Nel
In a recent interview with renowned sales expert Professor Ramez Helou, we discussed Leadership as a “hot topic”. The question was
“Do CEO’s and Sales leaders need to change some of their fundamental beliefs about their leadership?”
Considering, how the world as we know it has changed and the way we interact and engage with our sales teams surely, they had to change with it…?
Ramez, responds…
Leadership and Charisma goes hand in hand, generally associated with leaders that have a driving passion behind them, that evokes a sense of jumping out of their own skin to contribute to a grand cause.
What needs to change then?
Besides the obvious of leading and engaging leaders need to go back to asking WHY!
Why are they in business?
Needless to say, if you are only in it for the money then that just isn’t good enough.
You need to be in business with a desire to serve others and making a difference for others.
How can you translate that into team management?
Today, leaders need to focus on bringing out the best in their people. Therefore, you need to give your team a big enough Why! Why they need to work for them and bring in the results.
What do CEO’s and Sales leaders need to do NOW?
Simple, Ramez explained that these leaders need to express better and clearer why they are in business with their team, so that the teams find the strength from the inside to overcome any of their challenges.
Will things go back to “Normal”?
Professor Ramez Helou highlighted the point that If CEO’s and business leaders re-evaluate their Leadership now and if they take immediate action to better themselves and their people, that their business will survive these times of uncertainty.
It is safe to say that actions speak louder than words.