How to generate new sales opportunities faster: The Art and Science of building powerful relationships and networks

When do you know that you’ve learned everything you had to learn to achieve success? Well, the moment you think you’ve learned everything is the moment that the end is near.

About 12 or so years ago, I had the opportunity to meet my dear friend Phil Bedford. I’ve had more than 20 plus years experience in sales at the time and thinking I can go up into my business development mode from what I’ve learned. Then he shared with me one thing that made me realize, “do I really know everything I know”. The nice thing is it’s just a never-ending evolutionary process and today you’re in for a treat. 

I’m here with Phil Bedford. How are you Phil?

Its fantastic to be here Ramez. 

Phil, tell us a little bit about yourself and how is it that you’ve grabbed my attention 12 years ago so that we can spend more time learning from each other? 

Im known as the Rebel Networker. Over the years I have been in a real estate, recruitment, exhibition and sales and I was always been the top sales person. But the interesting thing was Ive never attended sales training. Couple years later, when I did a sales training with this man here, I realized I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I wished I had attended sales training previously. But how can I be the top sales person with no sales training? I realized it was because of the high-caliber prospects I was able to generate. But I was generating them all from my network. The people I was connected to, the referrals I was getting. 

What it turned out was actually, I wasn’t a brilliant salesperson; I was an amazing marketer or personal marketer. What I think that did is I was able to suddenly realize that theres a whole area of expertise here that if we can marry the two together, we got something super powerful. 

Absolutely and it’s very spot on in terms of when we really start analyzing how we get business and why we get the business. Here youre talking on something that for some of our audiences might think, what is the difference between a network, a referral and a lead. Can you elaborate a little bit more on that for us? 

Theres a rather large difference between these different elements of relationship marketing. Relationship marketing is anything where it comes through people. There are going to be ways that we can show people, they can learn all the intricacies later. But at the end of the day as a human being, you can generate your own opportunities through yourself, through a conversation. Or people can refer and connect you through their networks, but this comes through people. 

I think what we’re trying to do here is to keep it really simple. Probably, one of the best ways to explain the difference is that nobody understands the difference between sales and marketing. I think you have a perfect example from our history. 

Thank you for asking that. Let me just share the story about maybe six or seven years ago. There was a good friend; someone that introduced me to this gentleman and his name is Khaled Gourab. Khaled came to me and he wanted to get some advice. At least his own diagnosis was he needs sales training. When I started talking with Khaled, he’s a successful entrepreneur and business owner. At the time, he is in coaching. I started asking him questions. How many clients do you speak with? Whats your conversion ratio? What are the challenges? It dawn to me that he’s not talking with people. He has ideas and his issue was not conversions, it was not sales related. It was more on he doesn’t have people to speak with about his opportunities. I said, I can definitely train you on how to build those skills, but what you want to do is to talk with Phil. Phil is the referral/networking expert who would help you build the people around you. Would help you build people that would know you, like you, trust you and be able to speak to others about you and bring in opportunities, which then you can find a way to convert. I introduced you to him and then what happened? 

When Khaled related that to me, he gave all the credit to you Ramez. Part of consultation with a professional is “do you need my services”. If you don’t, well, who can help you enhance your personal brand? He actually came to me and says Ramez was so funny. He did the consultation and he actually said to me “Khaled, you don’t have a sales problem. When you’re in front to the prospects, you close them because you’re so good at that. You don’t have a sales problem; you have no one to sell to. You have a marketing problem”. 

Thats as well I recommend you guys. I always say to my clients, are you in front of enough people and you don’t have the ability to close them? Actually, what you need is sales training. If you’re not in front of enough right people, you have a marketing problem. Theres a lot who don’t understand marketing. There are only two types of marketing. You can pay or you can get it for free. And everybody knows the pay one. The free one is what we have to talk about today. Networking, relationships, word of mouth, referrals, direct prospecting, social media, form of my free prospective. 

One of the things that Phil spoke to me about that notch me is, how much time it will take for you to convert an opportunity? In a typical business development, sometimes by the time you identify an opportunity, you find the key stakeholders, you’re able to present your solutions and negotiate, this can take a significant amount of time. And of course in that process, it’s about building trust, building relationships. They are evaluating other opportunities so the chances of things actually working out, you have to make sure that you cover all your bases and that takes a lot of work. In some occasions, it’s not a walk in the park. You don’t walk in to a client today and then walk out tomorrow with a six-figure opportunity. 

So basically, Phil asked, “Ramez imagine if you had these people”. Just to get in front of the prospect, it takes a lot of effort and time. Everyone has a phone. If you build enough rapport and trust with someone, would they be able to pick up that phone and make an introduction? Get you in front of an opportunity by saving you a gazillion amount of time effort and energy? You’re standing on the shoulders of that relationship, standing on the shoulders of a giant and automatically, its almost instant connection. 

Can you think of one person whos connected you to a prospect, it’s literally just an introduction and boom business? What if the majority of your clients will come in that way? What would that save in terms of time? You can be with your family more, less stress, bosses are happier. If you’re a boss, you’re happier. The thing is people don’t have enough of that. 

Imagine your favorite rock star coming into town. Let say Mariah Carey coming over. And they’re up on stage and you got the whole crowd down there all trying to get up. Everyone is down there fighting. Everyone is like that in business, trying to get on companies. Youre fighting with those other sales teams. Everyone got same skills, got the same training, spending money and you’re fighting. The really smart person is the one who knows the manager or the doorman and they can just arrange an introduction. Most people don’t have those contacts. So what we need to do is actually build a plan to have those contacts. This is the thing, most people can’t be bothered or they don’t know how but the people that can be, life is easier. 

That was a really great analogy Phil. One thing that comes to mind is sometimes people that you meet will call you. I’ve had someone giving me a call and they want me to introduce them to this big opportunity, but I don’t even know them very well. I don’t really trust them. They think that because we had two or three casual conversations, I’m just going to spend my time, effort, energy and resources to simply open the door. I’m not being selfish; I’m being cautious because I don’t know them. I don’t know how good they are. If I open the door to them and they’re not as good as they say they are, what would my friend think? What would my contact think? So, any tips on that? 

Thats a great one. I know for a lot of people Ramez, you like to help. When someone asks and youre in that dynamic, it pains you because you want to help. 

And I have to guide the person and say help me trust you more. 

And then you’ve got the point. Someone that you spent years and now youre here. You have spent years building your credibility as a professional and as a person. And the thing is, you can lose that credibility in a heartbeat. If you recommend somebody to someone that you care about and do a bad job, your reputation shut. All those years of Ramez being this guy, gone. Right? Imagine a stranger came up to you and say, can I borrow your car? Would you give me him the keys? You would say “no. And yet, theyre asking you to put your reputation on the line. Something that you spent years to build. So this is the thing, if you lend them the car and they bring it back three days later with an empty fuel tank, will you lend them the car again? But if they bring you the car back with a full tank, maybe a thank you card and some flowers or meal for two, you can refer him again. Can you get referrals exactly the way you look after it? When it happens in the way you appreciate it? 

What were starting to unpack here for our audiences is do you have a clear enough relationship building strategy? And it’s not building a relationship because you’re going to get something in return. In other words you might do it because it’s going to pay back or transactional relationship. The principle of reciprocity by Dr. Chaldini talks about people will want to repay back what they were given. So if you know this and you proactively start giving to people with the intention of receiving, this is transactional/conditional. Its like I only keep giving when I get. Yet, by utilizing the law of reciprocity genuinely, finding sincere ways of helping others like Khaled. Is it about making sale today or is it about making a relationship? 

Khaled by the way, because of that experience he had between you and I, trust has gone up. He has referred me opportunities and referred you opportunities because weve lighten up a certain area in his understanding that helped him say thank you Ramez and thank you Phil. That just keeps building the trust and the relationship. 

What advice can you give people in building these closer relationships so that eventually, they can get what they’re after? The word is eventually.  

If you look at any relationship in your life, weather its your best friend, your husband, your wife, you have that relationship because ultimately you give in to it. You give your time and you give yourself. Any good relationship requires giving and its the same in business. While we don’t give with expectation of reciprocation, which is probably giving, there are also people out there who will take, take, take.  Part of our goal is to separate the takers from the decent people. And you know what I mean the takers

Also in ourselves, we havent really thought about networking yet. So what is networking? We talked a little bit of referrals where somebody else refers you but the question is, what do you do yourself? And networking is a bad word for a lot of people. But what is networking really? Networking is different to a network, which is different to a networking group. A networking group is a place where you go to where people are there to make business or social contacts. Your network is the people you know around you. Networking is the process of going out higher. Networking therefore is a communication and a relationship between two people. You and I are networking now and it will take our relationship to another level. You do the same with your parents, with the kids. Networking is improving the quality of each other’s lives. 

So networking in a way, is when two people come in contact with each other and having the fruit of that contact. It’s that relationship which either brings people closer together or it takes them apart from each other. 

Exactly! And the further apart is when people turn up inappropriately or irritably. When they sell at you, for example or trying to take from you.  A very prehistoric part or a biological part of our whole existence kicks in when people are trying to take. Its makes us uncomfortable and we start kicking into fight, flight, freeze mode. So when we feel threatened we run in the other direction. 

Networking again is that conversation between two people, which may be happening in a room of other people at a networking event. Ultimately, you’re trying to add value to that person. And when you have value, you become important to people. When you become important people, you have a relationship. And so becoming important could be that you discuss how you helped each other socially. Could be helping the kid find a tennis coach. It could be that you helped each other in business. But the point is, you move in that relationship forward. If you think even in your life, some of the most powerful things people have done for you, could have been bring you a meal when you’re ill, give you a lift to the airport. Again, networking and relationships enhances our lives and makes it easier. That’s a choice. 

From a business perspective, because here we are talking about sales, there is a lean on this. The lean on this would be I’ll go networking to generate opportunities for my business. And the thing is, if we approach that networking from a transactional perspective like Hi, my name is so and so, buy from mewhich is what most people do. I mean, if you actually look at sales statistics in other sales association, how many sales are made on the first contact? Two percent. So if you go into a room with 100 people and let’s just imagine for one moment, a hundred people could buy what you’re selling. Statistics tell us only 2% will buy, its 2 in 100. 

Have you ever been to a networking event and they sell at you and you are like hold on for a second, were just having a chat? Throw at you a card, making you feel uncomfortable. You may get the 2% but the other 98% are no.  So you would damage you brand and thats waste of time. Thats why a lot of people dont get value in networking. They thought networking doesnt work because they do it wrong. 

How many people do you actually speak to a networking event? So lets think about this again. You go to a networking event for 2 hours, which is normal. How many people do you speak to in 2 hours? 

Probably, 5 or 6. 

So what’s the 2% of 5 or 6?


Whats the chance youre going to close anyone if you sell at a networking event? Pretty much nothing. Every now and again we have a bit of luck but even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. And if we apply that once it happened to me strategy, you are not going to have success. Another stat, if you meet that same individual between 5 and 12 times; and during Covid, this changed, it doubled. But between 5 and 12 times, that same person and you meet him again and again, but youre not heavily selling and still that person is not in the market of your service. Should the time be right, statistically 85% will buy from you. 

So what I’m getting from this is you want to be visible, you want to ensure that you are front of mind, that somebody at least knows what you do. When the need arises, then you want to be that go to person.  So no doubt about where I am going to get this service or this product.

You got it.  The thing is to make the 2nd contact, the 3rd contact and the 4th contact. This is aside from normal sales follow-up, which I know you guys do a great job of.  You contact, follow-up, all the communication schedule, all that kind of stuff, lets take that to one side. Were just talking about the networking side at the moment. Applying sales figures to networking for those people who treat networking like a sales thing.  

Again, if we go back to these events and you’ve come to the networking event once but then you go back again because you joined it. This could be your rugby club, could be a book club, could be a BNI group and could be your church network or whatever. The thing is youre there and what youre doing is you are positive contributory member of that group. You are not there to take. So when people are ready, they will come to you. You just need to keep turning up. Most people don’t turn up regularly because they treat networking like scorched earth by turning up once. I sell Rebel in the room, I take the business cards and I go. That network was useless so I wont go back. Let me try the next one. Same strategy, people go from one to the next to the next. Its not networking thing doesn’t work. Actually it does, you didn’t work at it. 

As much as I had these relationships, and I was doing well. My boss when I joined the company say, Phil, I want you to go to the this networking group, heres your business card and make sure you give your card to everyone. Get there, come back to the company, send them all a message and call them all. So even if I was doing well for my network, he was teaching me how to prospect like I was a cold caller. None of them work because he didn’t know how to network. When the boss doesnt know how to network, obviously the sales people dont either. 

You said something that triggered something with me. Maybe like few minutes ago, you talked about networking, you talked about meeting people, you talk about colleagues and I want to go there. Sometimes we are surprised why we get certain treatment by our colleague. Whether it’s being treated in a good way or not in such a good way. I’ll give you an example. When I worked in a big multinational, there is something called shared services. The people working in HR or supply chain, and even accounts are not dedicated for my business unit. I needed to get a share of their mind. They were providing the service for me and to many other business units. Some people struggled to get support from the shared services. 

And if I go back to my point, I guess the same would apply. That networking that relationship with colleagues from work as it does apply with people that you meet in a network in a networking event and you build this relationship slowly but surely. At work, it’s kind of like a force relationship. You both have to show up there and you both have to be there because you both work for the same employer. How can some people get more interaction and support from certain individuals than others? I know it’s going around the same topic but I’m just trying to put things in perspective for individuals who might be employed. Working inside of an organization and they feel that people owe them stuff. You have to do this because Im in sales or I am the boss or I am this. That does not really work like this all the time. 

At the end of the day, theres number of different ways you can go on this one but it’s a couple of things that jump high to me. One is everybody in the company is in sales. Weather you are the receptionist, the driver, the GM, the CEO and the sales person, you are in sales because at the end of day, you bump into people and you represent that business. So people move towards the sale or away from the sale with every interaction with your team. 

What I’m getting from that is, are you leveraging the potential contact that your team is having with their networks? 

100%. Thats case we had with Asentiv of who was a receptionist in the company in the United States, outing 45% of a new clients. Why? Because of the people she hung around with in her spare time. She was leveraging her network and doing more than the sales people. How are we utilizing networks of our staff? And this is the thing, a lot of companies just focus on the salespeople generating. If you got 10 people in your sales team but 300 employees, theres a lot of opportunities could be made. 

How are we training and motivating our staff to recognize opportunities without distraction from their own job but to bring in opportunities? If you have 300 people in your company and they’re bringing one opportunity each year, what could that mean? 

I am not a salesperson is what people and accounts will say, or people in supply chain will say, or people in marketing will say. And that is a big phobia for individuals. When we are asking people to go and generate opportunities, they think it’s a very complex thing, yet, what I’m hearing is, it’s not. It’s basically being a human being, caring about another person, leveraging the existing time that the individual is spending in their network. Being a good person. Helping someone in an indirect way. Having some structure that allows the person who were interacting with remember that when that need occurs, the trust is there and theyll give you that back door. Theyll bring this to you and quite sincerely, I’ll tell you, this was something that I had not thought off. Having come from direct sales in North America selling knives door-to-door, building multimillion-dollar teams. Working as a Sales Training Manager for Asia, Africa and Middle East for a company like Unilever and then comes Phil and just give me this. He just shared this little insight. 

Now, its not about sharing the insight that matters, its what you do with that insight. Then realizing weather to resist this information or actually embracing it. That’s why today Phil is here. I realized anything that we can do to share these ideas and peel one layer, peel another layer. To me, what comes out here is, just as you would have, let say a certain number of calls to do a day. Sales professional will have a target contact new opportunities, follow up on the existing opportunities. There’s a certain amount of time, certain activities that sales professionals can do to build these relationships. 

Give someone a piece of chocolate today, bring someone flowers, say a nice thing to someone, give someone a compliment. These are all deposits in a relationship that you have with someone.  And like what they say, when is the best time to build the roof? When it rains, before it rains or after it rains? The answer is, its before it rains. 

So are you building that roof? Are you building these relationships? And that is one of these triggers and it’s all about being two steps ahead. You can only do right things when you’re taking care of people. 

I love the values of the company I worked with, the knife company, Vector Marketing & Cutco. It was instilled that all of the leaders always do what is best for the people. If you do what is best for the people in your business, people take care of the business. If you dont do whats best for the people, then something not good will happen because theyll go elsewhere and they wont take care of the business. There is just a whole bunch of things here. 

You can also think about networking as investing in your own future. I mean, working for the company and getting all the revenues is great, fantastic. But what about you? What’s your next step? Most just dont stay in the company for 50 years or 60 years. Theres always a next step somewhere. If you can build that network, it will make your life easier. As a result, you can generate clients and do all that. But if your life is easier, more efficient, more effective, you can solve problems, have answers, get leads you become healthier, you become less stress. You turn up better at work. Your social life is better. This is for you; the benefit is work. 

Now there’s one extra benefit to this. Have you been through a recession? How about heard someone say marketing budget is dropping? Have you heard treat that they are going to reduce sales people? Or the sales people left so you need to produce more with less leads because you are running out of business?

Your network is recession Proof. For what reason would we not be training and leveraging our network to bring us leads. Bring us opportunities because people are always there. It doesn’t rely on money. Remember two ways to market your business; with the money and for free. 

The free relies on people. People are always there as long as, like you said, you build the roof before it rains. There’s no point waiting till there is a recession to start building relationships. Build them now because no one ever tells you when is an emergency going to come. When anything happens like that, it hits you. You need to be ready.  Some people will make a decision at the end of this to find out how to build that network. Other people make a decision to carry on as always. But as someone said to me the other day, not making a decision, is making a decision. So make a decision on how you want to take your life from this point. 

Time and money are the two resources that people have. I remember when I started long time ago in this business, I had some money but I didn’t want to spend the money. What I had was time. As they say, we don’t lose time in days or months or weeks or years, we will lose time in seconds. We lose time in making decisions not to make decisions and just keep going. It’s just kind of going being neutral and being lukewarm. 

One thing I want to say, maybe you cannot change your life in a in a minute or in a second, but it does take a second to make a decision to change your life. I want to learn about building better relationship. I want to learn about building a roof before it rains. I want to learn to recession-proof my business. Today, with what we’re seeing in the world, the level of uncertainty, the level of volatility is just unheard of. Research shows that with all that’s going on in the world, this is going to be here to stay. There is a new normal we spoke about when Covid hit. The 21st century only started when Covid started in many ways for different business and different people. And vigorous question today is, are you going to just sit there and wait for something to happen and then wish you would have done, wish you would have had or you’re willing to spend the time, effort, energy and invest in yourself to learn more about these basic principles? These principles are here to stay. 

This is how humanity got to where humanity is today. This is how successful individuals, myself included, find and build this relationship, build this network so that I’m able to do more, quicker, faster and enjoy the process as well. 

It’s interesting what you say that these decisions are making these things. The world has changed and there is couple of key elements. Everything that were talking about here today with regards to networking, relationship building is online as well. Its there with your social media. It can be done through zoom. You can be doing networking on the zoom. Everything were talking about now has two different outlets. In a way, it never really happened before. When you stay online you can build relationships online as supposed to connecting with someone on LinkedIn and then next thing is sending them a message to sell at them or taking something where you haven’t deserved it. 

That’s just taking cold calling online. 

Taking cold calling on the social networks just makes people angrier. So it just gets people more upset when you bring this cold calling into the social media channels. 

I spend a lot of time looking at social media and it is such a powerful tool. So many people are just using it to prospect and that’s okay. But do it in a way that’s not cold because that just annoys people. How often does someone connect with you on LinkedIn and the first thing they do is sell? Youre like delete go away.  During Covid for example where a lot of people just sits in there and saying Ive got no connection, I cant do anything. Ive met over two and a half thousand people and have a conversation. 

Tell me more about that. 

I would meet people on LinkedIn and connect. But instead of selling, I would invite them to a zoom networking where it was free. So, as well as meeting me, they are meeting other entrepreneurs. We had a conversation. Some of them may go further, some are not.  But the point was, this people I was connecting with on LinkedIn, became people I knew. I knew something about them. At some point in the future theres more chance that they would refer me, connect with me, be interested in me. And this is so powerful. 

We talked about the world changing and I think one of the things people haven’t realized is the whole Covid experience has brought back real relationships. People that move in online for so long, we don’t need hand shaking in networking because we have social media. We have the telephone, we have zoom. We don’t need it. Yet, we would have been connecting during that lock down period with family members. With friends on zoom having meals together, playing cards together, all the things we did. We’ve been seeing them. Think about how often either you did this or you saw someone do this. 

The minute they met in the real world even with their masks on, they were like I just need a hug”. Why? Because we’ve been communicating, weve been doing our meals. If we don’t need it, what is so special about that hug? What is that extra thing that relationship gives us? And we know anyone who is brilliant to sales and NLP that there’s just much deeper ways of building rapport, in connecting with people we care the most. This means that we do need to build network online. We can leverage that for efficiency but we still need to be bringing on the off world thing and using both. And in my experiences, people are using one or the other. 

Lot of great insights in here. Again, as sales professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, sometimes we get busy in creating our product. We get busy in refining the product. Coming up with a marketing or sales plan, strategy, managing people. Be focus in work and this is very important. The one thing though that we end up forgetting is none of that matters, unless a sales is made. None of that matters unless relationships are built. Unless enough people know about us and have a good will refer us, recommend us and get us in that back door so that effortlessly we can drive things forward. In a way, it’s a balancing act. 

One of the fallacies out there might be do I have to meet 2,500 people in a year like Phil does. No, you don’t. All you would need is to meet some key relationships. Find key individuals who you like. Who you probably have potentially studied or you understand that there is a potential two-way support that can come as a result of that. 

If I can just give this one simple AHA that made a big difference. There’s a concept I learned with you Phil which talks about common target audience, non-competing businesses. This is not about having a golden egg. It’s about finding that golden goose. Can you tell us a bit more about that? 

The golden goose, golden egg sounds brilliant. A lot of people out there are chasing golden eggs. Lets look at it. You and I have similar customers. I can work with sales teams, so can you. I can work with entrepreneurs, so can you but we don’t compete, we both provide. This is how you can grow your business services. I’m not in sales, you are. So, if I were to sell at Ramez, I might get one deal. He learns how to network. If he was to sell at me, he might get one deal. I learn to do sales, which by the way, we have done. Thats the extra benefit of our relationship. 

But it wasn’t done just to finish it there. I knew that is a lot more and vice-a-versa. 

Theres a gap in each other’s knowledge so we both invest in learning. We can always learn more. But more importantly, if you think about all the clients you have, and all the clients I have, I know my clients could use his services and vice-a-versa. Suddenly, he’s a golden goose; I’m a golden goose who can lay each other golden eggs. When were networking, when were building relationships, instead of looking at people like they’re golden egg, be asking yourself, is this person a golden goose. And can I be a golden goose for them? Then you apply reciprocity and strategy and everything to that. Suddenly, life is a lot easier. That’s how we get more business in less time but we have to have a mindset of reciprocity. We have to recognize these opportunities. And that’s why relationship marketing has a skill and a science. Just what you learn to become a doctor, you go to sales training. You can only be so successful if you try and do it on your own. That’s what I’ve done for years now; is train people with science on how to leverage relationships. 

I’ll build on that. Its not just training people on the science of leveraging; it’s taking the knowledge into a habit. The habit then gives you the outcome effortlessly. It’s one thing to know what to do but its a complete different thing is to do what you know. That is when mastery comes. 

What you said a while ago is very interesting. And youre very right on what you said. Not everybody wants to meet two and a half thousand people. I get that. And we can be looking for golden eggs. There’s also a way of meeting that kind of amount of people but in a way that doesn’t take too much time, which is why I did the zoom thing. I got me 20 people in one go in 1 hour rather than twenty people x 1 hour. That would waste my time. I have to do a lot of filtering to get people I wanted. So, what I would do is to meet 20 people in 1 hour. From there, filter my golden geese. Thats more efficient way of doing it. However, all those people even if they’re not going to be golden geese to me or clients; they leave going I know what he does and I like him. So think about that. If you can get as many people as possible liking you and knowing what you do and thinking you’re good, the following could happen. 

I have to tell you a story. I sat at a coffee shop with a gentleman who was looking to join my mind coaching. I sat down and he said Phil, tell me what you do. What can you do for me? I said hold on for a second, I thought, how did you get here John? He said well, it just seemed that everywhere I went, when I said, how do I grow my business, people said you have to go to Phil. I said, well, that’s what I do for you. Everywhere people go; they need to know that you are their solution. That’s called positive word of mouth. And that is strategy. 

That definitely is a strategy. And the biggest question is, how can people learn more about these strategies? I know weve talked about sharing some complimentary resources. Can you tell us about the two ways that people can learn more and discover more about the tools that can be available for them through spending more time in learning about this? 

Ramez kindly asked me to offer some of my tools to you guys for free. So, we develop two options for you. Number one is the nine ways get your network start generating money for you. So there’s a set of free tips including the one mistake everybody makes. 

Weve heard a whole bunch of things today and you can imagine there are 9 more. So there is some great value for people to discover or uncover on what could they be missing out on. 

By the way, the one biggest mistake we didn’t even talk about it today. We just talked about other big mistake. I told you I used to be one of the top sales people in my companies. When I got introduced to the science of relationship marketing, because I was the top salesperson, because I’ve been networking, I’ve been training networking groups, I honestly thought I knew it all.  And I was like what can you teach me? Then I got introduced to the material generated by Asentiv. I sat down and actually, theres a massive gap in my knowledge. I don’t know it all. 

So what Ive developed is a brilliant quiz. And what this will allow you to do? Again for free. You can take the quiz it will hit you in a number of different areas from your networking to your marketing, to your online. It will give you the reality of where you currently stand in terms of leveraging networking relationship marketing to grow your business. And if anybody at the back of that wants to speak to me, say, okay, this was my score, I’m not happy with it. What can I do? Of course I’m happy to help. 

Amazing. Thank you so much Phil. This really is just another segment here with The Academy where we’re thinking about how do we add value. How do we keep bringing more valuable content. And again, today was another one of those helping people. Sell more, sell faster and profitably. Until next time.

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